Lavori Geofield
Industrial minerals 2011 - ENOF SPA, Alger, Algérie: Réalisation des études de faisabilité technique et économique pour la valorisation des gisements de: Feldspath, Diatomée, Dolomie, Carbonate de calcium and Baryte
Technical and economical feasibility study on the following industrial mineral deposits: K-Feldspar, Diatomite, Dolomite, Calcium Carbonate and Barite.
Individuazione e valutazione del giacimento, assistenza tecnica all’apertura ed alla coltivazione della cava della quarzite Smeraldo, Mirangaba, Stato di Bahia
Location and evaluation of the deposit; technical assistance to the opening of the Emerald quartzite quarry, Mirangaba, Bahia State
Dimension stone 2010 - Kingstone marble project – CPR of the Jiangyou limestone dimension stone project for the IPO in the HK Stock Exchange
Dimension stone 2011 - Jiangxi Jueshi (Yongfeng) marble project - CPR of the limestone mining project for the IPO in the HK Stock Exchange
Dimension stone 2011/12 - NaiGai Mining Co. Ltd.- CPR of the Limestone and Granite quarries mining development project for IPO in HK Stock Exchange
Gold 2019 Gold exploration and preliminary economic considerations on some mining license areas along the Bandama River
Dimension stone 2009 – SINAI for marble & Granite Co., Cairo, Egypt - Technical assistance to the exploitation of a Galala limestone quarry in Central Egypt.
Dimension stone 2009 – Salama Group, Cairo, Egypt - Technical evaluation of the existing quarry site in Sheik Fadl area and suggestion for the increasing of blocks production.
Dimension stone 2009 – Al Gazzera for marble & Granite Co. Cairo, Egypt - Technical evaluation of the existing quarry site in Galala and suggestion for the increasing of blocks production.
Dimension stone 2009 – Kiro marble, Cairo, Egypt - Technical evaluation of the existing quarry sites in the Sinai peninsula and suggestion for the increasing of blocks production.
Dimension stone 2009 – IMC, Cairo, Egypt - Evaluation and beneficiation of the quarry raw materials of the construction buildings industry practices in Egypt (as Associated of WGM, Toronto, Canada).
Dimension stone 2010 – Marmonil, Cairo, Egypt - Technical assistance to the exploitation of the red Aswan and black Aswan granite quarries in southern Egypt.
Dimension stone 2010 - SINAI for marble & Granite Co., Cairo, Egypt - Technical assistance to the exploitation of four limestone quarries (Galala, Sunny, Sylvia and Cleopatra) in Central Egypt.
Dimension stone 2008 - Technical and commercial evaluation of 3 marble deposits in western Ethiopia for the opening of one white marble quarry.
Dimension stone 2007 - Evaluation of some granite quarries and deposits in order to select the most suitable for dimension stones quarrying in Andhra Pradesh State.
Dimension stone 2008 - Feasibility study on 5 granite deposits selected for the opening of large dimension stone production in Northern India (Orissa State)
Dimension stone
2007 - Realizzazione del Documento Sicurezza e Salute (DSS – DLgs 626/94 e 624/96) per due cave di granito, Isola d’Elba - Safety & Security Project Plan for two granite quarries located in Elba Island, Italy
2011 - Valutazione, studio geo minerario e linee guida per la coltivazione di un giacimento di marmo nero in Piemonte, Italia - Evaluation, geo-mining study and guide line for the exploitation of a black marble deposit in Piemonte, Italy
2012 - Valutazione, studio geo minerario e linee guida per la coltivazione di un giacimento di marmo in Toscana, Italia - Evaluation, geo-mining study and guide line for the exploitation of a marble deposit in Tuscany, Italy
Industrial minerals
2008 - Individuazione delle migliori fonti di materia prima ceramica dagli scarti delle cave di granito Production of ceramic grade feldspar from the Sardinian granite quarries waste.
Gold 2019 - Feasibility study on the establishment of a gold refinery in Kakamega County
Dimension stone 2008 - Evaluation of some dimension stones and industrial minerals deposits in south Madagascar.
Industrial minerals 2007 - Pre-feasibility study on a blue marble deposit in central Madagascar to be destined to the production of GCC/PCC for paper use.
Dimension stone 2006 - Demetra Italia srl, Massa, Italy: Technical assistance to the Brown Fossil Limestone quarry opening and management, Erfoudh, Morocco
Dimansion stone 2009 - Demetra Italia srl, Massa, Italy: Structural and geological study of the Limestone deposit of Oued Amlil, Taza.
Dimension stone
2009 - Ministry of Mines & Steel Development / World bank: Technical assistance for the baseline study on the Nigerian dimension stone industry (as Associated of Wo.D.A. srl, Padova, Italy)
2011 - IMM Carrara Spa, Italy: Technical training for dimension stone quarrying operators in Nigeria
2011 - Amel Minerals Ltd, Obudu, Nigeria: Technical assistance to the evaluation and exploitation of a black granite quarry in Cross River State
Industrial minerals
2009 - Asada Group, Abuja, Nigeria: Pre - feasibility study on a Barite deposit in Nasarawa State
Dimension stone 2011 - Technical assistance to the exploitation of three limestone quarries
Dimension stone
2007 - Indus Mining Ltd, Lahore, Pakistan: Technical and economical evaluation of some marble and granite deposits located in northern Pakistan
2008 - Indus Mining Ltd, Lahore, Pakistan: Technical assistance to the exploitation of the AAA black granite quarry, N.W.F. Province, Northern Pakistan
2010 – Indus Mining Ltd, Lahore, Pakistan: Technical assistance to the exploitation of a white marble quarry in the NWF Province, Pakistan
Industrial minerals
2009 - Indus Mining Ltd, Lahore, Pakistan: Preliminary evaluation of some industrial minerals (barite & bentonite) deposits in the NWFP
Dimension stone 2006 - Demetra Italia srl, Massa, Italy: Technical assistance to the opening and general management of the Keasar Brown Limestone quarry, Siliana, Tunisia.
Dimension stone 2009 - Demetra Italia srl, Massa, Italy: Structural and geological study of the Limestone deposit on the Kesra Plateau, Tunisia.
Dimension stone 2008 - Technical and commercial evaluation of 11 marble deposits in southern Turkey for the opening of one beige marble quarry
Dimension stone 2011 - Due-Diligence on the Medmar Marble Project, Turkey
Competent Person Report on the Alabama Marble quarry located in Sylacauga, AL, USA
Dimension stone 2011 - Technical assistance to the exploitation of two marble quarries in northern Viet Nam